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Social Surveys - Ultimate - Affiliate Information

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Social Surveys - Ultimate information

Sale Price





Martin Crumlish

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Social Surveys - Ultimate 08/31/2015 1,500+ 9.62% $3.17 $32.90 50% 3.98%
Social Surveys - Basic 08/31/2015 10+ 0% $0.00 $21.66 50% 0%
Social Surveys - Standard 08/31/2015 10+ 0% $0.00 $26.21 50% 0%
Social Surveys - (PRO Version + Developers License) 08/31/2015 500+ 30.34% $20.62 $67.97 50% 3.01%
Social Surveys - Lite Version 08/31/2015 75+ 7.70% $3.74 $48.53 50% 2.13%
Social Surveys Whitelabel Pro - 500 Licenses 08/31/2015 <10 0.31% $2.34 $747.75 50% 0%
Social Surveys Whitelabel Lite - 100 Licenses 08/31/2015 <10 0.19% $0.92 $497.00 50% 0%
Social Surveys Whitelabel Basic - 50 Licenses 08/31/2015 10+ 0.89% $2.71 $304.92 50% 0%