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PBCM - Affiliate Information

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PBCM information

Sale Price





Declan Mc

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
PBCM 11/16/2015 1,500+ 6.52% $0.88 $13.45 100% 3.70%
PBCM - OTO1 11/16/2015 250+ 16.72% $4.51 $27.00 50% 2.55%
PBCM - Downsell1 11/16/2015 250+ 21.67% $4.12 $19.00 50% 2.16%
PBCM - OTO2 11/16/2015 50+ 12.01% $23.65 $197.00 50% 0%
PBCM - Downsell2 11/16/2015 25+ 12.99% $16.71 $128.63 50% 4.65%