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VIDGEOS OTO1 - Affiliate Information

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VIDGEOS OTO1 information

Trial Price




Sale Price




50% 1st
50% Rebill


Sorin Asaftei

Commissions paid via


Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
VIDGEOS Lifetime (the #1 smart video app) 02/16/2016 1,000+ 6.83% $13.81 $202.30 50% 9.62%
VIDGEOS Yearly (the #1 smart video app) 02/16/2016 500+ 1.32% $1.70 $128.51 50% 18.37%
VIDGEOS Monthly (the #1 smart video app) 02/16/2016 1,500+ 4.08% $1.16 $28.35 50% 8.53%
VIDGEOS OTO1 02/16/2016 7,000+ 27.34% $7.79 $28.49 50% 2.48%
VIDGEOS Just Templates (downsell) 02/16/2016 250+ 26.06% $9.92 $38.06 50% 10.14%
VIDGEOS OTO2 02/16/2016 500+ 15.22% $15.12 $99.30 50% 8.70%