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Instaeasy - Affiliate Information

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Instaeasy information

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50% 1st
50% Rebill


Luke Maguire

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Instaeasy 04/20/2016 9,500+ 6.98% $2.88 $41.27 50% 4.12%
EngagerMate. 02/01/2019 5,000+ 8.44% $4.23 $50.10 50% 4.04%
EngagerMate 12/01/2018 1,500+ 10.78% $5.34 $49.56 50% 3.52%
(Monthly) Instaeasy 3(Three) Extra Accounts 05/08/2017 100+ 4.78% $1.67 $35.00 10% 0.85%
(Yearly) Instaeasy 3(Three) Extra Account 10/20/2016 10+ 0.42% $1.46 $347.00 10% 9.09%
(Yearly) Instaeasy 1(one) Extra Account 10/20/2016 <10 0.12% $0.21 $170.00 10% 100.00%
(Quartely) Instaeasy 04/30/2016 500+ 4.76% $4.61 $96.98 50% 2.33%
(Trial) Instaeasy 04/30/2016 1,500+ 13.37% $3.66 $27.35 50% 5.02%
Instaeasy - Yearly Pack 04/20/2016 500+ 0.44% $1.51 $345.62 50% 10.59%
(Monthly) Instaeasy 1(one) Extra Account 10/20/2016 200+ 4.56% $0.75 $16.51 10% 1.94%
EngagerMate.. 05/01/2019 1,000+ 8.42% $2.98 $35.35 50% 4.47%