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CBS Formula - Affiliate Information

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CBS Formula information

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Commissions paid via


Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
CBS Formula 10/07/2016 500+ 2.18% $1.17 $53.88 50% 10.12%
CBS Kickstart Club 10/07/2016 250+ 13.83% $7.01 $50.70 50% 13.91%
CBS Kickstart Club (Downsell) 01/15/2017 75+ N/A% $N/A $31.20 50% 6.25%
CBS Lead App 10/07/2016 100+ 12.41% $18.24 $147.00 40% 14.65%
CBS Lead App (Downsell) 01/15/2017 50+ 20.97% $20.34 $97.00 40% 10.14%
CBS Trigger Bundle 10/07/2016 75+ 24.69% $12.33 $49.95 50% 10.20%
CBS Agency Package (Full) 01/15/2017 25+ 4.87% $14.47 $297.00 40% 16.00%
CBS Agency Package (Beginner) 01/15/2017 <10 0% $0.00 $0.00 30% 0%