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ElegantBiz WP Theme (Developer) - Affiliate Information

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ElegantBiz WP Theme (Developer) information

Sale Price





Tantan Hilyatana

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
ElegantBiz WP Theme (Developer) 05/29/2013 3,000+ 5.95% $2.22 $37.34 50% 5.58%
ElegantBiz WP Theme (Personal) 05/29/2013 100+ 0.63% $0.26 $41.99 50% 13.19%
20 ElegantBiz Variations (Developer) 05/29/2013 25+ 4.31% $1.59 $37.00 50% 9.52%
AmazeBuilder Plugin (Developer) 05/29/2013 <10 0.82% $0.30 $37.00 50% 37.50%
20 ElegantBiz Variations + AmazeBuilder Plugin (Developer) 05/29/2013 250+ 14.74% $8.40 $57.00 50% 3.49%
20 ElegantBiz Variations + AmazeBuilder Plugin (Personal) 05/29/2013 10+ 1.18% $0.55 $47.00 50% 4.35%
AmazeBuilder Plugin (Personal) 05/29/2013 <10 1.23% $0.33 $27.00 50% 0%
20 ElegantBiz Variations (Personal) 05/29/2013 <10 1.45% $0.39 $27.00 50% 0%