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Keyword Advantage - Affiliate Information

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Keyword Advantage information

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Adam Short

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
<10 0% $0.00 $0.00 0% 0%
Keyword Advantage 09/30/2013 3,000+ N/A% $N/A $30.14 50% 3.73%
Upsell: 5 Niche Packs 12/04/2013 75+ 13.54% $12.98 $95.90 50% 23.86%
Upsell: #1 in Google Webinar Training 12/04/2013 75+ 3.62% $1.62 $44.76 50% 4.82%
Upsell: NPC $1 Trial 12/04/2013 500+ 21.31% $7.40 $34.75 50% 5.25%
Upsell: Link Tracks (v2) 12/04/2013 10+ 16.00% $9.39 $58.69 50% 0%
Upsell: NPC Flat Fee 12/04/2013 200+ 5.86% $8.24 $140.52 50% 10.95%
Upsell: 10 Niche Packs 12/04/2013 50+ 6.24% $11.21 $179.76 50% 15.79%
Upsell: Link Tracks 12/04/2013 50+ 12.24% $7.51 $61.36 50% 10.17%
Upsell: Hot Markets Plus Outsourcing Training 12/04/2013 25+ 10.44% $6.26 $59.93 50% 2.13%