Logo and Branding Usage

In addition to the guidelines detailed here, use of JVZoo assets (including logos) is governed by our terms of use and user agreements.  In particular, please pay note to the following:

Trademark Use. You shall ensure proper use of the JVZoo Trademarks. You shall properly identify any JVZoo Trademarks, including by using the trademark symbol, TM, where appropriate, and You shall not change or distort the color, sizing, or other design features of any JVZoo Trademarks, only using the JVZoo Trademarks as provided by JVZoo. The list of acceptable JVZoo Trademarks, along with applicable specifications, can be found here: jvzoo.com/logos. You shall not combine the JVZoo Trademarks with any other logos, words, graphics, symbols, or other Trademarks. Further, You shall not use the JVZoo Trademarks in any way that falsely implies any sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement of You by JVZoo. Whenever You use the JVZoo Trademarks, You shall also display in the primary and more prominent position Your own logo, company name, and related Trademarks. JVZoo reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify or terminate Your use of the JVZoo Trademarks at any time and for any reason, including for failure to comply with these Trademark use requirements.

Logo Guidelines and Download

The JVZoo logo should not be changed, distorted or altered. You are allowed to resize the logo as long as the pixel integrity and proportions of the orginal artwork are kept intact. Here are a few examples to use as a basic guideline:

Hi-Resolution JVZoo Logo Downloads
JVZoo Logo - Hi-Res (zip)