Get Access to the #1 Selling Underground Mixtape 

By the #1 Underground Hip-Hop Icon Kween Katt!

Distributed Nationwide

Kween Katt is an underground female rapper that's been on the scene since 2006. Dropping wisdom, knowledge and fun tracks for every age, and gender to vibe to. Sweet 16 is Kween Katt's Best Seller mixtape to date!!!

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If you love this project which I know you will! Become an "Affiliate" and sell this product and get 50% for each sale sent directly to your paypal. All you have to do is share a link that you'll be given on your Facebook, Twitter, etc. or your own personal website; and when others purchase the mixtape from your link you'll be paid for it!!! I wanted to give back to my fans, that way we all succeed!!!





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