What Is The Number #1 Key
That Makes Your Tweet-Automation
A Total Failure Or A Total Success?

“Your Ability To Create
Mass Amounts
Of High Quality Tweets
In Almost No Time!”

Introducing TweetArchitect ™
The Smart Ultrafast Tweet Editor
That Will Improve Your Tweets,
Generate Tons Of Them And
Format Them, Ready To Be Used
With Your Favorite Tweet-Automation!



Dear Twitter Marketer:

Using Twitter as a marketing platform is of course a good idea, because it works.
And sure there are a lot of solutions offered today that promise to “automate”
your Twitter marketing.

Some of them are actually working and real time savers, others are a total waste of
money, but none of those Twitter marketing solutions actually address the real problem
you are facing when creating effective promotions on Twitter!


What’s Wrong With Your Tweets?

Aren’t you sick of robotic Twitter accounts that keep posting “Follow me and I follow” kind of crap
or the same messages over and over every 20 minutes?

If you want to create truly automated Twitter accounts that look real and provide useful information
on auto pilot, you need to have thousands of unique and actually useful tweet messages
lined up to be posted, not just a handful of them.


This is so obvious. The trouble is that people are getting caught up so easily in software that promises you to help you assist you with your Twitter marketing, that they totally forget the most important element in the first place: their tweets.

The unpleasant truth: No program ever will help you write the content AKA tweets for you. (Not even TweetArchitect!) – Tweets do not write themselves. In fact none of those Twitter automation tools seems to focus on quality and content of tweets, but only on delivering your message to your audience.

This is like being a book author that is able to create a book cover and learn everything about marketing channels and how to publish the books on different platforms like Amazon Kindle and the like – WITHOUT writing a single word and WITHOUT writing the book itself.

Without content (tweets) it is useless to own any kind of Twitter Marketing Automation System!


TweetArchitect ™
Your Fast Tweet Editor
That Gets You Writing
High Quality Tweets
In Almost No Time!


This tweet editor was created from a Twitter marketer for Twitter marketers. It comes with one central key strategy: You can only create quality tweets if you are writing tweets seriously and without being distracted. Don’t write them – as most people do – “on the fly” while being on Twitter yourself.


The Strategic TweetArchitect Secret:

You want to write quality tweets away and off from Twitter. They key secret is to have a software editor that will help you to write unique tweets with enough variations, so that in the end you have thousands of tweets that you can rotate and automate as much as you want.

With this approach you can use your Twitter automation services in a way that it will serve your audience and your marketing goals, because your foundation of your Twitter success are quality written tweets.


Writing And Editing Tweets:
No Longer Worried About
Exceeding Your 140 Characters

Stop Counting Characters And Write Content!




Text Spinning Done Right
Perfect Control
With Tweet Spinning

Create Massive Amounts Of Tweets And Always Know
How ALL of them look like when they are published.

Make URLs Unique:
Avoid Twitter Ignoring
Duplicate Tweets

Twitter wants you to post unique content – and they actually reject
duplication posts (for example if you use Socialoomph) or will
simply “mute” your tweets or even worse exclude your Twitter
account to be seen in the regular Tweet searches for posting
such duplication content!

Import & Export:
SocialOomph, HootSuite
And Almost Any Other
Software Works With It!

After you did create your tweets it is time
to put them into your automation systems


Count Down Feature:
A Fast Way To Create
Countdowns For

This is a cool function that is also soon available
for other export functions like Socialoomph as well


What Some Users Say..

“Thanks for this super program. Finally I am able to create valuable tweets to my followers. This was a long needed software for me.” Pete W., London

“I love the way I can create mass tweets and upload them directly to my Socialoomph account – it is such a great productivity tool that I no longer want to miss.” Suzan W. Walthers, Texas

“Such a time saver. And thanks or the great support and additional help given.” Tomas Sokol, Prague



Time To Act!

TweetArchitect Standard Edition
(Software Only)

Tweet Architect (tm) - Your Smart Super Fast Tweet Editor


TweetArchitect Silver Edition
(Software + 30 Minute Skype Consultation)


Tweet Architect (tm) Silver  - Your Smart Super Fast Tweet Editor


TweetArchitect Gold Edition
(Software + 60 Minute Skype Consultation)


Tweet Architect (tm) Gold - Your Smart Super Fast Tweet Editor



And It Comes with This 7-Day
“No Questions Asked” Priority Guarantee!

If TweetArchitect ™ will not make your life easier with your Twitter marketing within the next 7 days, I demand you fire me from your business and you get your refund. But I’m confident you will love it, and you’ll send us a testimonial telling us how much more you’ve accomplished after finding TweetArchitect and actually using it in your daily Twitter marketing work.

This product is being sold by: Semmy Stumpp with a 7 days refund period.
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