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ViralReel - Commercial - Affiliate Information

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ViralReel - Commercial information

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Abhi Dwivedi [VineaSX]

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
ViralReel - Single 06/29/2019 10+ 0.10% $0.04 $41.93 50% 4.55%
ViralReel - Commercial 06/29/2019 1,000+ 5.93% $2.34 $39.51 50% 9.97%
ViralReel XTR Upgrade 06/29/2019 500+ 29.63% $18.83 $63.56 50% 10.33%
ViralReel Pro Upgrade 06/29/2019 250+ 38.52% $10.40 $27.00 50% 8.79%
AmzNeos ProMachine - ViralReel 06/29/2019 100+ 7.85% $3.70 $47.16 50% 5.56%
AmzNeos ProMachine LITE - ViralReel 06/29/2019 75+ 10.99% $1.94 $17.61 50% 10.98%
SyVID Agency - ViralReel Special 06/29/2019 100+ 13.45% $6.32 $47.00 25% 10.00%
InstaPublisher Commercial - ViralReel Special 06/29/2019 100+ 9.00% $3.33 $37.00 50% 4.90%
VidOptimiseNeos - ViralReel Special 06/29/2019 100+ 13.42% $3.62 $27.00 50% 11.27%