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ShortsAI Elite - Affiliate Information

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ShortsAI Elite information

Sale Price





Neil Napier

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
ShortsAI Basic 02/23/2023 10+ 0.15% $0.04 $25.83 50% 0%
ShortsAI FastPass 02/23/2023 25+ 3.56% $7.70 $216.15 50% 11.11%
ShortsAI Bundle 02/23/2023 200+ 3.56% $8.79 $247.00 50% 13.04%
ShortsAI Brain JUMPSTART 02/23/2023 100+ 36.28% $3.65 $10.06 50% 4.88%
ShortsAI Elite 02/23/2023 500+ 3.78% $1.02 $26.99 50% 8.18%
ShortsAI Just More! 02/23/2023 25+ 15.00% $4.05 $27.00 50% 10.42%
ShortsAI Unlimited 02/23/2023 25+ 5.14% $5.11 $99.44 50% 14.63%
ShortsAI PRO 02/23/2023 25+ 5.35% $3.59 $67.00 50% 15.63%
ShortsAI Agency Toolkit 02/23/2023 <10 0.70% $0.37 $52.00 50% 0%
ShortsAI - PowrSuite Commercial 02/21/2023 <10 1.98% $1.00 $50.33 50% 0%
ShortsAI ViidCloud Pro 02/23/2023 <10 1.11% $0.87 $79.00 50% 0%