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TubePilot - Developer Rights - Affiliate Information

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TubePilot - Developer Rights information

Sale Price





Matthew Cooke

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
TubePilot - Developer Rights 08/26/2015 500+ 4.97% $2.34 $47.12 50% 10.70%
TubePilot - Unlimited Personal Rights 08/26/2015 25+ 0.27% $0.10 $37.73 50% 12.20%
TubePilot - Basic Personal Rights 08/26/2015 25+ 0.21% $0.06 $26.81 50% 0%
Tube Pilot - White Label Rights 50 Licenses 08/28/2015 <10 0.66% $0.96 $145.33 50% 0%
Tube Pilot - White Label Rights 10 Licenses 08/28/2015 10+ 1.41% $1.37 $97.00 50% 0%
TubePilot - Video Drill White Label 08/28/2015 10+ 1.15% $2.26 $197.00 50% 7.14%
TubePilot PRO + Outsourcing License 08/28/2015 250+ 10.92% $5.15 $47.18 50% 9.77%
Tube Pilot - White Label Rights - 200 Licenses 08/28/2015 25+ 5.18% $10.20 $196.78 50% 15.56%
Tube Pilot - Video Drill Unlimited Personal 08/28/2015 50+ 5.60% $2.62 $46.80 50% 2.00%