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One Time Hosting Deluxe (12 Websites/12 GB Storage) - Affiliate Information

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One Time Hosting Deluxe (12 Websites/12 GB Storage) information

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Richard Madison

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
One Time Hosting Lite (1 Website/250 MB Storage) 08/15/2016 100+ 0.40% $0.07 $16.99 50% 6.58%
One Time Hosting Starter+ (4 Websites/4 GB Storage) 08/15/2016 500+ 1.40% $0.58 $41.29 50% 6.74%
One Time Hosting Deluxe (12 Websites/12 GB Storage) 08/15/2016 1,000+ 3.06% $2.22 $72.68 50% 7.05%
$47 LH Deluxe Upgrade (12 Websites/12 GB Storage) 08/01/2016 50+ 9.22% $4.27 $46.31 50% 7.46%
(PLH) Deluxe (12 Websites/12 GB Storage) 08/15/2016 200+ 4.49% $3.01 $66.92 50% 10.00%
Reseller 3-Pay Lifetime.Hosting Platinum (100 Starter Accounts) 08/01/2016 50+ 3.71% $4.34 $117.00 50% 3.70%
LH Reseller 100 08/01/2016 200+ 1.28% $2.90 $225.79 50% 14.16%
$97 LH Deluxe Add-on 08/01/2016 10+ 2.78% $2.52 $90.60 50% 6.67%
$47 LH Standard Add-on 08/01/2016 10+ 4.23% $1.90 $45.06 50% 25.00%
Triple Up Lifetime.Hosting Deluxe (36 Websites/36 GB Storage) 08/01/2016 500+ 27.79% $20.22 $72.76 50% 8.90%
Triple Up Lifetime.Hosting Starter+ (12 Websites/12 GB Storage) 08/01/2016 75+ 14.26% $5.71 $40.08 50% 6.41%
Triple Up Lifetime.Hosting Lite (3 Website/750 MB Storage) 08/01/2016 50+ 9.71% $1.62 $16.65 50% 19.64%
Add-on Standard Package for Lifetime.Hosting 08/01/2016 250+ 22.44% $9.04 $40.29 50% 9.28%
Add-on Deluxe Package for Lifetime.Hosting 08/01/2016 250+ 24.80% $20.51 $82.72 50% 7.99%
Reseller Lifetime.Hosting Silver (20 Starter Accounts) 08/01/2016 10+ 1.32% $1.28 $97.00 50% 0%
Reseller 3-Pay Lifetime.Hosting Gold (50 Starter Accounts) 08/01/2016 10+ 1.30% $0.97 $74.20 50% 0%
Reseller 3-Pay Lifetime.Hosting Silver (20 Starter Accounts) 08/01/2016 100+ 9.13% $3.38 $37.00 50% 1.50%
Reseller Lifetime.Hosting Gold (50 Starter Accounts) 08/01/2016 <10 0.35% $0.70 $197.00 50% 0%