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Viral FB Madness - Affiliate Information

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Viral FB Madness information

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Viral FB Madness 04/20/2017 500+ 5.34% $0.77 $14.34 50% 2.34%
SociWiz - Premium - Viral FB Madness 04/20/2017 100+ 5.19% $1.92 $36.94 50% 4.95%
SociWiz - Premium - Viral FB Madness - no bonus 04/20/2017 10+ 4.81% $1.29 $26.88 50% 4.17%
Buyer List Hack - Viral FB Madness 04/20/2017 75+ 4.00% $1.08 $27.00 50% 3.70%
Buyer List Hack - Viral FB Madness DS 04/20/2017 50+ 10.39% $1.76 $16.90 50% 5.08%
4 Way Monetization System - Viral FB Madness 04/20/2017 10+ 2.31% $3.16 $137.00 50% 0%
4 Way Monetization System - Viral FB Madness (without e-mail) 04/20/2017 10+ 2.11% $2.05 $97.00 50% 9.09%