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SociClicks - Affiliate Information

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SociClicks information

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50% Rebill


Daniel Adetunji

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
SociClicks 10/14/2017 100+ 0.20% $0.02 $9.99 50% 15.53%
SociNotifier & Lead Collector - Agency 10/14/2017 25+ 4.50% $4.20 $93.21 50% 6.90%
SociClicks - Elite - Lifetime 10/14/2017 500+ 1.86% $0.51 $27.69 50% 8.51%
SociClicks Pro 10/14/2017 200+ 17.10% $7.29 $42.64 50% 5.62%
SociClicks Pro - Lite 10/14/2017 50+ 11.18% $3.04 $27.17 50% 6.90%
SociClicks Custom Link 10/14/2017 100+ 12.33% $7.31 $59.29 50% 4.24%
SociClicks Unlimited 10/14/2017 50+ 7.63% $7.08 $92.90 50% 8.20%
SociNotifier & Lead Collector 10/14/2017 <10 1.57% $0.97 $61.44 50% 0%