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Video Profit Machines - Brand New - Affiliate Information

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Video Profit Machines - Brand New information

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Billy Darr | Justin Opay

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Video Profit Machines - Brand New 03/25/2018 1,500+ 5.77% $0.85 $14.66 50% 14.37%
Video Profit Machines - Elite Edition 03/25/2018 250+ 24.00% $6.66 $27.73 50% 15.30%
Video Profit Machines - Downsell 1 03/25/2018 100+ 24.17% $4.16 $17.23 50% 16.09%
Video Profit Machines - DFY Templates Edition 03/25/2018 100+ 12.37% $4.59 $37.11 50% 17.83%
Video Profit Machines - Downsell 2 03/25/2018 75+ 11.31% $3.07 $27.09 50% 21.84%
Video Profit Machines - $500 Daily Edition 03/25/2018 100+ 9.55% $2.72 $28.43 50% 20.00%
Video Profit Machines - Downsell 3 03/25/2018 100+ 14.14% $2.51 $17.71 50% 14.29%
Video Profit Machines - Reseller Edition 03/25/2018 75+ 8.28% $3.12 $37.71 50% 23.81%
Video Profit Machines - Downsell 4 03/25/2018 75+ 10.56% $2.88 $27.25 50% 8.64%