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ECom Cache - Affiliate Information

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eCom Cache information

Sale Price





Nemi Design

Commissions paid via


Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
eCom Cache 07/30/2018 500+ 5.19% $2.05 $39.53 50% 11.04%
eCom Cache Thrive 08/20/2018 200+ 15.25% $10.52 $69.00 50% 10.23%
eCom Cache Thrive (Limited) 08/25/2018 75+ N/A% $N/A $49.00 40% 14.29%
6 Figure FB Ad Templates 08/20/2018 100+ 9.44% $7.46 $79.00 50% 13.91%
6 Figure FB Ad Templates (LITE) 08/26/2018 50+ N/A% $N/A $49.00 40% 20.75%
Store Connector (eCom Cache) 08/25/2018 75+ 8.54% $4.19 $49.00 40% 8.64%
Store Connector Add-On (eCom Cache Lite) 08/25/2018 25+ N/A% $N/A $39.00 40% 13.89%
eCom Breakthrough Academy (Discounted) 06/21/2018 100+ N/A% $N/A $147.00 30% 20.00%
eCom Breakthrough Academy 06/21/2018 100+ 5.47% $10.78 $197.00 30% 15.48%
Infinite Scale Masterclass (Discounted) 06/27/2018 25+ N/A% $N/A $147.00 30% 16.28%
Infinite Scale Masterclass 06/21/2018 100+ 4.67% $9.20 $197.00 30% 15.87%