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VoiceRank360 Pro - [OTO1 - Quarterly] - Affiliate Information

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VoiceRank360 Pro - [OTO1 - Quarterly] information

Sale Price




50% 1st
30% Rebill


Han Fan

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
VoiceRank360 09/26/2018 1,500+ 7.83% $2.22 $28.37 50% 8.74%
VoiceRank360 Pro - [OTO1 - Monthly] 09/26/2018 100+ 0.74% $0.31 $42.23 30% 0.95%
VoiceRank360 Pro - [OTO4 Reseller Silver] 09/26/2018 <10 0.21% $0.21 $99.97 50% 0%
VR360 - [OTO2 - Localprofits360 Silver - Quarterly] 09/26/2018 50+ 2.62% $1.00 $38.15 30% 1.52%
VoiceRank360 Pro - [OTO1 - Quarterly] 09/26/2018 2,000+ 15.73% $7.52 $47.83 30% 4.38%
VR360 - [OTO2 - Localprofits360 Gold Onetime] 09/26/2018 200+ 8.46% $8.26 $97.60 50% 14.76%
VR360 - [OTO3 - AgencyProfits360 Onetime] 09/26/2018 100+ 11.49% $3.25 $28.25 50% 9.47%
VoiceRank360 Pro - [OTO4 Reseller Gold] 09/26/2018 50+ 3.88% $4.96 $127.93 50% 18.18%