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Traffic Robot - Affiliate Information

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Traffic Robot information

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Billy Darr | Justin Opay

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Traffic Robot 10/23/2018 2,500+ 5.35% $1.10 $20.50 50% 10.38%
Traffic Robot - Downsell 10/23/2018 <10 0% $0.00 $0.00 50% 0%
Traffic Robot - Diamond Edition 10/23/2018 500+ 21.73% $7.66 $35.23 50% 11.64%
Traffic Robot - Downsell 1 10/23/2018 100+ 10.94% $2.98 $27.27 50% 2.05%
Auto Traffic Robot Edition 10/23/2018 250+ 16.31% $6.04 $37.00 50% 12.05%
Traffic Robot - Downsell 2 10/23/2018 100+ 14.49% $3.92 $27.03 50% 13.33%
Traffic Robot - Downsell 3 10/23/2018 50+ 4.00% $1.28 $32.00 50% 11.54%
Traffic Robot - $1,000 A Day Edition 10/23/2018 100+ 9.39% $3.50 $37.23 50% 8.33%
Traffic Robot - Money Machine 10/23/2018 100+ 7.23% $3.04 $42.11 50% 7.35%
Traffic Robot - Downsell 4 10/23/2018 25+ 3.19% $1.19 $37.25 50% 12.50%
Traffic Robot - Luxury Edition 10/23/2018 100+ 5.02% $9.89 $197.00 50% 17.12%
Traffic Robot - Downsell 5 10/23/2018 100+ 7.67% $7.48 $97.49 50% 19.61%