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XMarketerSuite--World's first AI based Video/Audio Messaging Platform for all Kind of Websites - Affiliate Information

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XMarketerSuite--World's first AI based Video/Audio Messaging Platform for all Kind of Websites information

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Daniel Adetunji

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
XMarketerSuite Curiosity Pro 12/04/2018 50+ 0.67% $0.29 $43.00 50% 1.59%
XMarketerSuite--World's first AI based Video/Audio Messaging Platform for all Kind of Websites 12/04/2018 250+ 2.64% $2.24 $84.96 50% 6.04%
XMarketerSuite Explorer Pro 12/04/2018 10+ 2.53% $1.07 $42.20 50% 4.55%
XMarketerSuite Explorer Commercial 12/04/2018 100+ 14.45% $12.68 $87.75 50% 4.96%
XMarketerSuite Meetup 12/04/2018 100+ 9.63% $5.91 $61.40 50% 3.27%
XMarketerSuite Pioneer 2 12/04/2018 50+ 4.60% $12.29 $267.30 50% 7.84%
XMarketerSuite Pioneer1 12/04/2018 25+ 2.50% $4.45 $178.32 50% 0%