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Mapify360 - Affiliate Information

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Mapify360 information

Sale Price





Han Fan

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Mapify360 01/23/2019 3,000+ 10.37% $3.10 $29.89 50% 7.61%
Mapify360 OTO4 - [Reseller Package Silver] 01/23/2019 <10 0.03% $0.03 $99.00 50% 0%
Mapify360 OTO2 - Agency WP Template Lite 01/23/2019 10+ 0.37% $0.11 $29.33 50% 25.00%
Mapify360 - $1 Trail 01/23/2019 <10 23.68% $1.61 $6.78 50% 11.11%
Mapify360 PRO OTO1 - Quarterly 01/23/2019 4,500+ 65.06% $28.83 $44.31 30% 4.57%
Mapify360 PRO OTO1 - Monthly 01/23/2019 75+ 1.10% $0.35 $31.66 30% 9.21%
Mapify360 OTO2 - Agency WP Template Pro 01/23/2019 500+ 12.63% $4.91 $38.87 50% 9.46%
Mapify360 [OTO3 - Citation Optimizer360] 01/23/2019 1,000+ 21.21% $8.29 $39.09 50% 8.78%
Mapify360 OTO4 - [Reseller Package Platinum] 01/23/2019 100+ 4.28% $4.43 $103.57 50% 13.02%