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Affiliate Accelerator - Affiliate Information

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Affiliate Accelerator information

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Billy Darr | Justin Opay

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Affiliate Accelerator 06/16/2019 250+ 2.54% $0.42 $16.65 50% 16.86%
Affiliate Accelerator Downsell 06/16/2019 <10 0% $0.00 $0.00 50% 0%
Affiliate Accelerator - Automated Edition 06/19/2019 75+ 7.96% $3.08 $38.67 50% 23.33%
Affiliate Accelerator - Downsell 1 06/19/2019 25+ 19.15% $5.91 $30.89 50% 11.11%
Affiliate Accelerator - Traffic Edition 06/19/2019 25+ 12.63% $4.77 $37.81 50% 16.22%
Affiliate Accelerator - Downsell 2 06/19/2019 10+ 12.67% $3.55 $28.05 50% 21.05%
Affiliate Accelerator - 1K Daily Edition 06/19/2019 10+ 9.05% $3.64 $40.18 50% 18.18%
Affiliate Accelerator - Downsell 3 06/19/2019 10+ 10.14% $2.91 $28.67 50% 13.33%
Affiliate Accelerator - License Edition 06/19/2019 10+ 7.62% $2.80 $36.69 50% 6.25%
Affiliate Accelerator - Diamond Edition 06/19/2019 10+ 4.65% $9.55 $205.33 50% 8.33%
Affiliate Accelerator - Downsell 5 06/19/2019 10+ 8.28% $8.30 $100.33 50% 25.00%