Our signature e-course designed to propel you forward on your path to wellness!

Intentional Wellness

Is this The Year?

The Year when you become the healthiest version of YOU that you can be??

Our Intentional Wellness e-course is packed FULL of nutrition information, the My Fitness Planner Notion template, more than 120 healthy recipes, a workout/yoga database, how to overcome roadblocks to your progress, and much more!

This course will change your MINDSET, help you understand your HABITS and patterns, and CHANGE your life!!!

This comprehensive e-course includes 6 modules:

1) Intro to the Course and Notion Template

2) Nutrition

3) Movement

4) Meditation and Mindfulness

5) Habits and Overcoming Roadblocks

6) Putting It All Together

Get more insight into why you eat what you do, how to change your habits, and find your personalized journey to health and wellness!

Intentional Wellness

© 2020