Bestmacros gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== Adwords clicker bot

Auto click adwords ads with windows application bot.

This windows application bot will help you to Auto click Adwords ads.

With this bot you can easily click Adwords ads on Google search result pages.

You can use it to test your own Adwords ads or to get additional Adwords ads performance statistics –  any other usage is strictly prohibited!

Bestmacros gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== Adwords clicker bot

Highly recommended!

This bot was made to help you with your Internet activity.

Forget about annoying manual ads clicking!

Automate it!

Bestmacros gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== Adwords clicker bot

Main Features of the bot:

International Google sites supported.

Multiple keywords support.

Emulates real human clicks.

Able to click multiple domains ads (picks randomly each round).

Clicks any domain (ads target link).

Searches the ads on up to 10 search result pages.

Random wait time interval between clicks.

Set amount of clicks to do.

Supports socks4/5, public http proxies and private http proxies in IP:PORT format and Proxyrotator.

Build-in random useragents.

View and edit list of useragents used by the bot.

Clears cookies, cache, history each round.

Random proxy selection option.

Works on Windows 7/8/10

Auto save last configuration.

Auto load last configuration on start.

Ability to schedule and auto run the bot using windows task scheduler.

Auto check proxy before each run.

Auto block dead proxies during the run.

Display current proxy in use.

Skip domain option for precise clicking

Detailed activity log saved during the run

Auto solve Google captcha using

Auto request refund if captcha was not solved

Auto clicks “switch to English”

This will help you on your daily Internet activity!

If you are even thinking about doing business on Internet, you’ll want this bot.

Auto click Adwords ads with this super powerful Adwords clicker bot.

Please note that you will need to whitelist the software in your Windows defender or any other antivirus/firewall software, which run on your computer.

Watch how it works:

Of course, one of the BIGGEST and MOST VALUABLE parts of Adwords clicker bot is the fact that you can click UNLIMITED number of Adwords ads with it!

Please note that you won’t be able to click Adwords ads protected by our Adwords clicker protection service.

Bestmacros gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== Adwords clicker bot


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Only 25$

Bestmacros gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== Adwords clicker bot

IMMEDIATE DOWNLOAD! Order now and download immediately!

License key will be send to you in up to 3 hours!

Please note, that the software will work on Windows computer only

Order now and get Free:

1. Step-by-step installation instruction.

2. Example list with proxies.