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Full Course Organic Chemistry Lectures
Amount $44.99
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Entire Year of ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LECTURE NOTES (Sections 1-23). Handwritten, Easy-to-Follow Lecture Notes for Organic Chemistry. The FULL COURSE Notes (1st and 2nd Semesters) of Organic Chemistry Notes is 367 pages in length (Section 1 through Section 23
  • Easy-to-Follow, Perfectly-Neat, and Handwritten!
  • Immediate .Pdf Download!
  • "Before finding these notes website, I was completely lost in my Organic Chemistry course. I'm a good student, but this class and the corresponding textbook were simply overwhelming. After buying the Notes, I've seen my grades increase dramatically. All of my friends are using notes from "Organic Chemistry Notes" too. Very happy I found this site!"
    Kim H.
  • "I'm a visual person and a visual learner, so I thought all of the organic molecules and organic structures would make it easier for me to learn Organic Chemistry as compared to General Chem. Um, WRONG... Sooooooo many reactions to learn. Your guys' O Chem Notes made it much easier for me. Without the Notes, there's no way I would have enrolled in the second-semester of O Chem. So, thanks."
    Dieter G.
  • "I'm a pre-med student and with more than 400+ students in my O-Chem lecture, the curve is very competitive. When I was a freshman in Gen. Chem, I always heard that O-Chem was the "weeder course" for students who wanted to go to Med. School. Now I know why. I kept getting B after B and I was sick of it. Then I found your Notes. You have no idea how much you've helped me. I ended up getting an A and now I'm wondering when/if you'll ever have Biochemistry Notes?? LOL. Thanks again."
    Han N.
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    Total: $44.99

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