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The 90 Day Peace Project: Experience profound peace in just 5 minutes over the 90 day course period
Amount $297.00
This is a single payment made in U.S. Dollars
In just 5 minutes a day, you will experience profound changes over the 90 day course period. Shift from the near-constant stress to living from a core of peace that is with you all day long. It is possible and you can start now!
  • A daily prompt and a 2-4 minute encouraging video to further define each day’s lesson.
  • Access to The 90 Day Peace Project community for interacting, sharing wins, asking questions, and giving and receiving encouragement.
  • Personal access to me - Alice Langholt - creator of the program and your guide - message me directly in the program portal.
  • A gorgeous binder shipped to you for keeping your workbook pages safe as you print them out and use them.
  • Thanks for the practice and reminder in today's lesson! It helps me, as a new retiree, to think about “The end of something gives us the opportunity of a new beginning”. It is initially comforting to miss , or mourn, the past, but I recognize that I can’t cling to the past for comfort or validation. When I let go, and concentrate on the present, I’m excited about my new opportunities.
    Jon Green
  • It felt somewhat magical to really have that kind of shift from just following a set of practices. The lessons remind me that there's actually different ways to think about the reason why I'm stressed today. I don't have control of those external things but I have control over what goes on in me. I would say that is a big shift just going from knowing that intellectually, and knowing that in my body.
    Laura Zellinger
  • Excellent experience with simple things to do that make life much more meaningful and peaceful! We are working through this as a family ..which is an amazing way of deepening our connection to each other!
    Huda A.
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    Total: $297.00
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