How to Help Your Child with ADHD

A Recorded Teleseminar


A teleseminar designed for you.

This teleseminar was created with you in mind, because it answered many pressing questions regarding ADHD.  I know as a mother of a child with ADHD that our struggles are different and difficult, but the rewards can be that much greater.  As a professional educator who has devoted her life to helping children and families, I know that there are many resources out there, but often it seems like taking a drink from a fire hydrant: a lot of information is coming at you at once, but it may ot be the answer to your question.

This recorded call answered many questions from the diagnosis process and ADHD in the classroom to alternatives to medication, and strengths of the ADHD child.  It also shared the story of one insprirational teen with ADHD who thrived and write three books to help others before graduating from high school.




Our panel of experts. 

We have assembled a panel of experts with a variety of experiences helping families and children with ADHD.  Our experts include:

Ben Glenn from

Gina Fitzpatrick from

Shelley Mitchell from

Caleb Sessions, author of "7 Days to Understanding Your Teen" and founder of

Laurie Dupar from

I wll also be moderating the event: Carrie Chancellor, Ed.D


If you think having a question answered by one expert could be of great value, can you imagine what it would be worth if presented with additional expert viewpoints and ideas? As a parent, I know I would love the opportunity to have all of these experts in my corner.




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