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SOCIOWIDE - The ultimate social design templates - Affiliate Information

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SOCIOWIDE - The ultimate social design templates information

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
SOCIOWIDE - The ultimate social design templates 04/15/2018 500+ 6.35% $1.38 $21.74 50% 0.44%
SOCIOWIDE Platinum - Mega Pack + Bonus + Developer License (UPSELL 1) 04/15/2018 200+ 21.70% $7.96 $36.68 50% 1.27%
SOCIOWIDE Platinum - Mega Pack + Developer License (DSELL) 04/15/2018 50+ 20.15% $5.37 $26.63 50% 0%
Grapvidty MX - Exclusive Bundle Full Developer License 02/15/2018 100+ 11.83% $6.68 $56.48 50% 1.11%