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PIXELSLIDES - Elite Style Presentation Design Templates (+Commercial) - Affiliate Information

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PIXELSLIDES - Elite Style Presentation Design Templates (+Commercial) information

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Maghfur Amin

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
PIXELSLIDES - Elite Style Presentation Design Templates (+Commercial) 07/14/2018 100+ 2.39% $0.62 $25.93 50% 0.75%
PIXELSLIDES - Elite Style Presentation Design Templates (Personal) 04/14/2018 25+ 0.71% $0.13 $18.92 50% 2.50%
PIXELSLIDES V.1 (PLATINUM) 08/14/2017 25+ 8.67% $3.34 $38.51 50% 0%
PIXELSLIDES V.1 (PLATINUM with Discount) 07/14/2018 <10 2.48% $0.73 $29.43 50% 0%
PIXELSLIDES V.1 (6in1 Products Bundle) 02/01/2021 <10 1.07% $0.73 $67.90 50% 0%
PIXELSLIDES V.1 (6in1 Product Bundle - Discount) 02/01/2021 <10 6.25% $2.99 $47.90 50% 0%
ELITE Presentation Kit V2 - PRESMANIAC PLR 08/18/2014 <10 2.11% $0.53 $24.97 50% 0%