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Animaytor BUSINESS | World's Fastest, Easiest, MOST Powerful Animation Video Maker - Affiliate Information

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Animaytor BUSINESS | World's Fastest, Easiest, MOST Powerful Animation Video Maker information

Sale Price





Brett Ingram | Mo Latif

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Animaytor BUSINESS | World's Fastest, Easiest, MOST Powerful Animation Video Maker 06/03/2019 2,500+ 5.80% $3.05 $52.65 50% 12.98%
Animaytor PROFESSIONAL | World's Fastest, Easiest, MOST Powerful Animation Video Maker 06/03/2019 100+ 0.39% $0.17 $43.80 50% 15.63%
Animaytor Enterprise Personal | Studio Grade Local Videos 06/03/2019 <10 0.20% $0.16 $77.00 50% 0%
Animaytor Diamond Personal | Ultimatum Video Creator 06/03/2019 <10 0.30% $0.11 $37.00 50% 12.50%
Animaytor Premium Personal | LIVE Action Video Creator 06/03/2019 10+ 0.45% $0.30 $67.00 50% 0%
Animaytor Corporate Personal | Advanced Animation Video Maker 06/03/2019 25+ 0.75% $0.34 $45.00 50% 9.38%
Animaytor CORPORATE Commercial | Advanced Animation Video Maker 06/03/2019 1,000+ 23.54% $13.20 $56.08 50% 12.39%
Animaytor PREMIUM Commercial | LIVE Action Video Creator 06/03/2019 500+ 17.08% $13.14 $76.91 50% 12.54%
Animaytor DIAMOND Commercial | Ultimatum Video Creator 06/03/2019 500+ 18.70% $8.77 $46.91 50% 11.63%
Animaytor ENTERPRISE Commercial | Studio Grade Local Videos & Agency Rights 06/03/2019 250+ 9.71% $7.09 $73.00 50% 12.10%