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InstaZign PRO | The Fastest Design & Social Media Automation Software - Affiliate Information

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InstaZign PRO | The Fastest Design & Social Media Automation Software information

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Brett Ingram | Mo Latif

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
InstaZign PRO | The Fastest Design & Social Media Automation Software 08/05/2019 2,000+ 6.31% $1.87 $29.61 50% 10.88%
Instazign VIDEO Lite | Automated GIF Creator 08/05/2019 <10 0.15% $0.07 $45.00 50% 0%
Instazign DIAMOND Lite | AI-Powered Design Spinner 08/05/2019 <10 0.05% $0.02 $47.95 50% 0%
Instazign VIP Lite | MASS Automated Graphic Designer 08/05/2019 <10 0.12% $0.06 $47.00 50% 0%
InstaZign Lite | The Fastest Automated Design & Social Media Software 08/05/2019 25+ 0.10% $0.03 $27.68 50% 15.38%
Instazign BLACK Lite | Parallax 2.5D Creator 08/05/2019 <10 0% $0.00 $0.00 50% 0%
InstaZign VIP Pro | MASS Automated Graphic Designer 08/05/2019 500+ 28.19% $13.67 $48.48 50% 10.29%
InstaZign Diamond PRO | AI-Powered Design Spinner 08/05/2019 250+ 18.64% $9.32 $50.01 50% 9.87%
InstaZign Video PRO | Automated GIF Creator 08/05/2019 250+ 20.81% $9.65 $46.35 50% 10.29%
InstaZign Black PRO | Parallax 2.5D Creator 08/05/2019 250+ 15.79% $7.64 $48.37 50% 10.33%