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ClickAgency Advanced - Affiliate Information

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ClickAgency Advanced information

Sale Price





Abhi Dwivedi [VineaSX]

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
ClickAgency Advanced 04/08/2020 1,500+ 7.93% $3.09 $38.91 50% 12.22%
ClickAgency Whitelabel 300 Licenses 04/08/2020 100+ 4.98% $3.40 $68.18 50% 17.65%
ClickAgency Starter 04/08/2020 10+ 0.07% $0.02 $34.00 50% 7.14%
ClickAgency Platinum 04/08/2020 500+ 19.99% $13.30 $66.51 50% 12.03%
ClickAgency Platinum-Lite 04/08/2020 100+ 18.16% $6.68 $36.76 50% 12.66%
ClickAgency Enterprise 04/08/2020 250+ 20.20% $13.42 $66.43 50% 14.21%
ClickAgency Whitelabel 500 License 04/08/2020 100+ 6.62% $6.51 $98.27 50% 11.94%
MSGLock Agency 04/08/2020 250+ 20.76% $3.92 $18.87 50% 11.28%