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BotEngage Pro - Commercial - Affiliate Information

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BotEngage Pro - Commercial information

Sale Price





Victory Akpos

Commissions paid via


Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
BotEngage Pro - Commercial 03/18/2020 250+ 5.73% $2.23 $38.92 50% 6.86%
BotEngage Pro - Personal 03/18/2020 <10 0.09% $0.03 $36.38 50% 0%
BotEngage White-label - oto3 - Unlimited Licenses - DS 03/18/2020 <10 0.88% $2.62 $297.00 50% 50.00%
BotEngage White-label - 500 Licenses - DS 03/18/2020 <10 1.49% $2.12 $142.10 50% 0%
BotEngage White-label - 500 Licenses 03/14/2020 <10 0% $0.00 $0.00 50% 0%
BotEngage White-label - oto3 - Unlimited Licenses 03/18/2020 10+ 1.91% $5.49 $287.10 50% 73.33%
Botengage Premium - One time - DS 03/18/2020 25+ 18.93% $8.74 $46.18 50% 8.70%
BotEngage Premium - Monthly - DS 03/18/2020 <10 0% $0.00 $0.00 50% 0%
BotEngage Premium - Monthly 03/18/2020 <10 0% $0.00 $0.00 50% 0%
Botengage Premium - One time 03/18/2020 100+ 8.37% $4.67 $55.80 50% 10.08%
BotEngage Agency 03/18/2020 75+ 10.81% $7.06 $65.30 50% 8.00%
BotEngage Agency - DS 03/18/2020 25+ 21.05% $9.67 $45.93 50% 15.91%
BotEngage White-label - 100 Licenses 03/14/2020 10+ 1.19% $1.11 $92.93 50% 0%
BotEngage White-label - 100 Licenses - DS 03/18/2020 <10 2.69% $2.00 $74.43 50% 0%
BotEngage TrendMonetizer - OTO4 03/18/2020 25+ 12.03% $4.39 $36.51 50% 6.67%
BotEngage Affiliate Marketing Coaching Program - OTO5 03/18/2020 <10 2.55% $4.93 $193.06 50% 0%