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Upreachr Pro - Personal - Affiliate Information

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Upreachr Pro - Personal information

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Victory Akpos

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Upreachr Pro - Personal 05/25/2020 50+ 0.31% $0.09 $29.01 50% 12.70%
Upreachr White-label Branding - 500 Licenses - DS 05/25/2020 <10 2.35% $3.93 $167.00 50% 0%
Upreachr White-label Branding - UNLIMITED Licenses 05/25/2020 25+ 1.64% $4.86 $297.00 50% 15.38%
Upreachr White-label Branding - 500 Licenses 05/25/2020 <10 0% $0.00 $0.00 50% 0%
Upreachr White-label Branding - UNLIMITED Licenses - DS 05/25/2020 10+ 1.46% $3.67 $251.67 50% 33.33%
Upreachr PRO - Commercial 05/25/2020 1,000+ 6.93% $2.16 $31.17 50% 9.97%
Upreachr Premium Commercial 05/25/2020 100+ 12.31% $4.61 $37.42 50% 10.53%
Upreachr Premium Personal - DS 05/25/2020 <10 1.14% $0.38 $33.00 50% 16.67%
Upreachr Premium Personal 05/25/2020 25+ 2.26% $0.87 $38.76 50% 8.16%
Upreachr Premium Commercial 05/25/2020 250+ 19.36% $8.11 $41.88 50% 10.14%
Upreachr FXVisual Clips Influencer Edition - DS 05/25/2020 75+ 11.40% $4.03 $35.36 50% 10.34%
Upreachr FXVisual Clips Influencer Edition 05/25/2020 200+ 10.73% $4.79 $44.65 50% 8.45%
Upreachr Done-for-you Agency 05/25/2020 100+ 11.83% $5.18 $43.78 50% 9.47%
Upreachr Done-for-you Agency - DS 05/25/2020 75+ 10.33% $3.92 $37.96 50% 11.76%
Upreachr White-label Branding - 100 Licenses 05/25/2020 <10 0.65% $0.97 $150.33 50% 22.22%
Upreachr White-label Branding - 100 Licenses - DS 05/25/2020 10+ 1.88% $1.82 $97.00 50% 21.05%
Upreachr Affiliate Marketing Academy 05/25/2020 25+ 2.95% $4.68 $158.67 50% 23.33%