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GrowViral - Commercial Rights - Affiliate Information

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GrowViral - Commercial Rights information

Sale Price





Neil Shah & Sam Bakker (GrowViral)

Commissions paid via


Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
GrowViral - Commercial Rights 02/16/2021 500+ 5.35% $3.23 $60.28 50% 9.29%
GrowViral - Personal Rights 11/18/2020 100+ 0.65% $0.30 $47.01 50% 17.86%
GrowViral Founder Upgrade 11/18/2020 250+ 21.29% $7.44 $34.94 35% 7.14%
GrowViral Founder Upgrade 02/16/2021 250+ 21.83% $42.88 $196.44 50% 11.90%
GrowViral Professional 11/18/2020 250+ 32.33% $21.55 $66.66 50% 11.86%
GrowViral Agency 11/18/2020 250+ 27.66% $26.64 $96.30 50% 10.62%
iGloo App Funnels 02/09/2021 75+ 8.40% $15.94 $189.65 50% 17.50%