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Storeblazer - Buyers Create Their Own Products & Pay YOU! - Affiliate Information

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Storeblazer - Buyers Create Their Own Products & Pay YOU! information

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Storeblazer - Buyers Create Their Own Products & Pay YOU! 03/01/2021 250+ 8.27% $4.40 $53.23 50% 10.42%
Storeblazer Lite 03/01/2021 10+ 0.32% $0.13 $42.00 50% 0%
Storeblazer Pro Yearly 03/01/2021 100+ 16.04% $20.82 $129.76 50% 19.42%
Storeblazer Pro One-Time Launch Special 03/01/2021 100+ 23.74% $46.88 $197.44 50% 12.12%
Storeblazer Agency One-Time Launch Special 03/01/2021 75+ 22.01% $43.45 $197.42 50% 11.11%
Storeblazer Pro Monthly 03/01/2021 500+ 93.34% $17.16 $18.38 50% 1.16%
Storeblazer Email Bundle 03/01/2021 100+ 36.41% $18.56 $50.96 50% 12.68%
Storeblazer Agency Annual 03/01/2021 50+ 16.59% $19.30 $116.32 50% 14.08%