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Rewardsly Enterprise - Affiliate Information

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Ready To Dominate Youtube’s First Page Without Fail? !

Rewardsly Enterprise information

Sale Price





Ben Murray & Karthik Ramani

Commissions paid via


Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Rewardsly Enterprise 03/18/2021 1,500+ 8.26% $4.26 $51.50 50% 13.73%
Rewardsly Starter 03/18/2021 75+ 0.37% $0.13 $34.17 50% 14.67%
Rewardsly Agency Standard 03/18/2021 <10 0.23% $0.17 $77.00 50% 0%
Rewardsly Exclusive Bundle 03/18/2021 250+ 31.08% $76.56 $246.35 50% 9.95%
Closed 03/18/2021 250+ 28.56% $7.74 $27.09 50% 12.73%
Rewardsly Platinum 03/18/2021 500+ 31.61% $30.65 $96.96 50% 17.88%
Rewardsly Platinum-Lite 03/18/2021 100+ 35.27% $16.58 $47.00 50% 9.28%
Rewardsly DFY-Lite 03/18/2021 100+ 33.15% $22.21 $67.00 50% 16.94%
Rewardsly DFY 03/18/2021 250+ 19.58% $36.93 $188.65 50% 19.60%
Rewardsly Agency Whitelabel 03/18/2021 500+ 35.02% $33.97 $96.98 50% 17.05%
Rewardsly - PlayPix Special 03/18/2021 100+ 17.44% $4.74 $27.20 50% 10.20%