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MusicMan - A.I. Software Auto-Creates Original & Unique Premium Music Tracks In Seconds - Affiliate Information

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MusicMan - A.I. Software Auto-Creates Original & Unique Premium Music Tracks In Seconds information

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Rahul Gupta [Official]

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
MusicMan - A.I. Software Auto-Creates Original & Unique Premium Music Tracks In Seconds 06/06/2021 100+ 0.73% $0.32 $43.15 30% 7.48%
MusicMan Bundle - MusicMan+VideoMan+VoiceMan Combined 06/06/2021 <10 0.77% $1.11 $145.32 30% 0%
MusicMan+VideoMan+VoiceMan Agency - Create Accounts for 150 Clients 06/06/2021 10+ 2.21% $4.23 $191.47 30% 0%
MusicMan Reseller Ultimate Supreme Bundle 06/06/2021 75+ 8.62% $24.75 $287.18 30% 8.60%
MusicMan Commercial- A.I. Software Auto-Creates Original Music Tracks in Seconds 06/06/2021 1,500+ 7.42% $4.62 $62.32 50% 6.76%
MusicMan&#039;s VoiceMan Commercial - A.I Software (VoiceMan) 06/06/2021 250+ 23.31% $14.06 $60.33 50% 7.67%
MusicMan&#039;s VoiceMan Lite - A.I Software (VoiceMan) 06/06/2021 100+ 49.32% $12.00 $24.34 50% 6.59%
MusicMan&#039;s VideoMan Lite - Start Your OWN Advanced Video Hosting 06/06/2021 100+ 39.57% $12.85 $32.48 50% 3.64%
MusicMan&#039;s VideoMan Commercial - Start Your OWN Advanced Video Hosting 06/06/2021 100+ 13.43% $11.68 $86.92 50% 4.23%
MusicMan+VideoMan+VoiceMan Agency - Create Accounts for 300 Clients 06/06/2021 25+ 5.95% $16.34 $274.55 30% 6.67%