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Cookieless Ads - By-Pass iOS 14 Update with Facebook and Instagram Targeting - Affiliate Information

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Cookieless Ads - By-Pass iOS 14 Update with Facebook and Instagram Targeting information

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Ankit Mehta

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Cookieless Ads - By-Pass iOS 14 Update with Facebook and Instagram Targeting 05/14/2021 250+ 6.69% $2.26 $33.69 50% 1.98%
CookieLessAds Unlimited Lite 05/14/2021 25+ 81.67% $28.36 $34.73 1% 2.04%
CookieLessAds Unlimited 05/14/2021 100+ 44.48% $27.28 $61.33 1% 2.55%
CookieLessAds LinkMaster Lite 05/14/2021 25+ 59.26% $20.46 $34.53 1% 0%
CookieLessAds LinkMaster 05/14/2021 75+ 37.67% $22.62 $60.03 1% 3.70%
CookieLessAds WhiteLabel 50 license 05/14/2021 <10 4.73% $4.87 $102.89 1% 0%
CookieLessAds WhiteLabel Unlimited license 05/14/2021 25+ 15.24% $23.02 $151.00 1% 8.00%
CookieLessAds MasterClass 05/14/2021 50+ 42.55% $17.80 $41.83 1% 3.33%