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Human Synthesys Studio Commercial - Affiliate Information

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Human Synthesys Studio Commercial information

Sale Price





Oliver Goodwin

Commissions paid via


Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Human Synthesys Studio Commercial 05/23/2021 5,000+ 8.12% $3.88 $47.79 50% 8.75%
Human Synthesys Studio Personal 05/23/2021 100+ 0.20% $0.08 $41.88 50% 14.05%
Human Synthesys Studio Agency Lite 05/23/2021 100+ 1.09% $2.06 $189.66 50% 12.73%
Human Synthesys Studio Agency PRO 05/23/2021 10+ 0.23% $0.59 $258.03 50% 5.26%
Human Synthesys Studio PRO 05/23/2021 2,000+ 23.62% $15.76 $66.70 50% 7.18%
Human Synthesys Studio Enterprise 05/23/2021 1,500+ 17.66% $9.05 $51.24 50% 7.53%
Human Synthesys Studio AudioSuite 05/23/2021 500+ 26.13% $17.08 $65.37 50% 9.71%
Human Synthesys Studio Agency Unlimited 05/23/2021 500+ 7.34% $31.24 $425.63 50% 5.13%