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Smartwriterr - AI Tech Creates Marketing Scripts With Just a Keyword in 60 Seconds Flat - Affiliate Information

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Smartwriterr - AI Tech Creates Marketing Scripts With Just a Keyword in 60 Seconds Flat information

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Pankaj Malav

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Smartwriterr - AI Tech Creates Marketing Scripts With Just a Keyword in 60 Seconds Flat 06/01/2021 2,000+ 9.49% $3.22 $33.91 50% 11.30%
Smartwriter - Reseller Edition 50 License 06/01/2021 25+ 5.05% $4.45 $88.29 50% 12.82%
Smartwriterr - Unlimited Edition 06/01/2021 500+ 44.94% $27.46 $61.11 50% 12.47%
Smartwriterr - Unlimited Edition Lite 06/01/2021 250+ 75.11% $25.42 $33.85 50% 10.39%
Smartwriterr - Template Club 06/01/2021 250+ 48.71% $20.86 $42.83 50% 10.89%
Smartwriterr - Enterprise Suite Pro 06/01/2021 100+ 23.57% $14.36 $60.94 50% 11.86%
Smartwriter - Reseller Edition 250 License 06/01/2021 25+ 5.94% $10.53 $177.30 50% 7.14%
SmartSpeechPro Commercial 06/01/2021 75+ 9.96% $6.06 $60.83 50% 15.85%