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Coursova Commercial - Affiliate Information

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Coursova Commercial information

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Dr. Amit Pareek

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Coursova Bundle Offer 08/19/2021 25+ 4.76% $12.34 $259.33 50% 13.04%
Coursova Commercial 01/17/2022 250+ 5.07% $1.78 $35.20 50% 10.84%
Coursova Personal 01/17/2022 10+ 0.16% $0.05 $35.07 50% 0%
Coursova Elite Monthly 01/17/2022 10+ 2.53% $0.94 $37.00 50% 15.79%
Coursova Elite One-Time-Deal 01/17/2022 50+ 8.47% $16.69 $197.00 50% 16.13%
Coursova Lite 01/17/2022 10+ 0.97% $0.65 $67.00 50% 15.79%
Coursova Enterprise Commercial 01/17/2022 10+ 2.58% $2.51 $97.00 50% 14.29%
Coursova Enterprise Personal 01/17/2022 <10 0.96% $0.45 $47.00 50% 12.50%
Coursova DFY Bundle (20 DFY Courses) 01/17/2022 25+ 10.03% $6.72 $67.00 50% 20.00%
Coursova DFY Bundle (10 DFY Courses) 01/17/2022 10+ 8.55% $4.02 $47.00 50% 10.00%
Coursova – Premium Membership Monthly Deal 01/17/2022 <10 0% $0.00 $0.00 30% 0%
Coursova – Premium Membership One-Time-Deal (Best Seller) 01/17/2022 <10 3.10% $20.94 $674.78 30% 22.22%
Coursova – Premium Membership One-Time-Deal ( 3 Instalment ) 01/17/2022 <10 2.67% $7.14 $267.00 30% 20.00%