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Redeemly Agency - NEW Smart Web-App Creates CARDLESS Customer Loyalty Websites In Few Clicks - Affiliate Information

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Redeemly Agency - NEW Smart Web-App Creates CARDLESS Customer Loyalty Websites In Few Clicks information

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Misan Morrison

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Redeemly Agency - NEW Smart Web-App Creates CARDLESS Customer Loyalty Websites In Few Clicks 02/15/2022 250+ 4.27% $1.39 $32.51 50% 5.86%
Redeemly Discounted Bundle 02/15/2022 75+ 2.95% $7.13 $241.52 50% 13.98%
Redeemly Deluxe 02/04/2022 75+ 20.95% $9.77 $46.66 50% 7.53%
Redeemly DFY Agency 02/04/2022 50+ 21.05% $9.78 $46.46 50% 7.81%
Redeemly Whitelabel 02/04/2022 25+ 13.65% $12.97 $95.01 50% 10.00%
Redeemly Client Finder 02/04/2022 25+ 14.85% $5.52 $37.18 50% 8.82%
Redeemly BrandElevate 02/04/2022 25+ 13.70% $5.07 $37.00 50% 6.67%