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MarketingBlocks - FE Offer - Affiliate Information

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MarketingBlocks - FE Offer information

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
CopyBlocks - FE (Now MarketingBlocks) 09/10/2021 1,000+ 4.43% $1.89 $42.75 50% 11.13%
MarketingBlocks - Special BUNDLE - Xavier 01/23/2023 <10 0% $0.00 $0.00 0% 0%
MarketingBlocks - Special BUNDLE - Benet 01/23/2023 <10 0% $0.00 $0.00 0% 0%
MarketingBlocks - Special Deal- Agency Giveaway 12/19/2022 <10 0% $0.00 $0.00 30% 0%
MarketingBlocks - Special Deal Webinar Order Page 12/21/2022 <10 0.14% $0.36 $247.00 30% 40.00%
MarketingBlocks - Special BUNDLE - Diamond 01/23/2023 50+ 0.20% $0.60 $296.97 30% 17.19%
MarketingBlocks - FE Offer 12/19/2022 1,500+ 1.86% $0.86 $46.04 50% 11.08%
MarketingBlocks - Special BUNDLE 12/19/2022 2,500+ 2.87% $8.30 $289.04 30% 19.08%
MarketingBlocks - Special Deal Webinar V1 12/19/2022 10+ 0.04% $0.11 $268.43 30% 28.57%
MarketingBlocks - FE Offer 2021 12/19/2022 <10 0% $0.00 $277.00 50% 100.00%
MarketingBlocks - UNLIMITED 12/19/2022 250+ 8.11% $16.68 $205.69 30% 18.45%
MarketingBlocks - Consultancy 11/11/2021 50+ 2.48% $2.40 $96.73 50% 12.16%
MarketingBlocks - ArtBlocks 12/19/2022 100+ 10.76% $5.04 $46.81 50% 13.82%
MarketingBlocks - AI TRAFFIC And SEO Content Briefs 12/19/2022 50+ 3.91% $2.61 $66.84 50% 15.87%
MarketingBlocks - Authority Builder 11/11/2021 100+ 10.88% $5.12 $47.00 50% 11.05%