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VidioJack PRO - Affiliate Information

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VidioJack PRO information

Sale Price





Mark Bishop

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
VidioJack PRO 03/07/2016 2,000+ 5.27% $2.07 $39.30 50% 14.74%
VidioJack LITE 03/07/2016 10+ 0.04% $0.02 $41.82 50% 5.26%
VidioJack BASIC 03/07/2016 10+ 0.07% $0.03 $36.59 50% 21.74%
VidioJack ELITE 03/07/2016 500+ 20.66% $9.27 $44.89 50% 11.26%
VidioJack ELITEds 03/07/2016 100+ 5.83% $1.60 $27.45 50% 7.97%
VidioJack: 10x Reseller Pack – plus Tube Sniper Pro 03/07/2016 10+ 0.94% $0.47 $49.57 50% 0%
VidioJack: 30x Reseller Pack 03/07/2016 10+ 0.52% $0.39 $75.46 50% 15.38%
VidioJack: 1000x Reseller Pack 03/07/2016 100+ 6.52% $5.99 $91.86 50% 12.31%
VidioJack: Tube Sniper Pro 03/07/2016 250+ 9.32% $2.57 $27.55 50% 14.00%