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SociCake Commercial - Affiliate Information

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SociCake Commercial information

Sale Price





Mario Brown

Commissions paid via


Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
SociCake Commercial 01/05/2019 2,500+ 4.48% $1.90 $42.42 50% 4.28%
SociCake Personal 01/05/2019 100+ 0.29% $0.11 $37.16 50% 6.32%
SociCake 100 White Label Accounts 01/05/2019 100+ 3.11% $5.30 $170.41 50% 4.88%
SociCake Pro 01/05/2019 500+ 12.23% $5.43 $44.38 50% 5.06%
SociCake Agency v1 01/05/2019 250+ 8.32% $3.44 $41.31 50% 5.93%
SociCake 30 White Label Accounts 01/05/2019 50+ 1.21% $1.72 $141.36 50% 9.46%
SociCake Mobimatic Upgrade 01/05/2019 200+ 6.99% $9.70 $138.77 50% 11.57%