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AlterStores Elite - All-In-One CloudBased Authority Affiliate Store Builder - Affiliate Information

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AlterStores Elite - All-In-One CloudBased Authority Affiliate Store Builder information

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Victory Akpos

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
AlterStores Elite - All-In-One CloudBased Authority Affiliate Store Builder 04/24/2019 <10 0.04% $0.01 $28.00 50% 75.00%
AlterStores Reseller - 250 Account Licenses 04/24/2019 <10 0.81% $1.59 $197.00 50% 0%
AlterStores Reseller - 500 Account Licenses 04/24/2019 <10 1.55% $5.47 $354.14 50% 14.29%
AlterStores Pro 04/24/2019 <10 0.40% $0.15 $37.00 50% 33.33%
AlterStores 50 Done-for-You eCom Affiliate Stores 04/24/2019 <10 0.53% $0.67 $127.00 50% 50.00%
AlterStores Reseller - 150 Account Licenses 04/24/2019 10+ 3.30% $3.47 $105.33 50% 0%
AlterStores Traffic Robot 04/24/2019 <10 0.75% $0.20 $27.00 50% 50.00%
AlterStores Affiliate Reviews Site Creator 04/24/2019 <10 0.45% $0.17 $37.00 50% 50.00%