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As - Affiliate Information

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Next Gen A.I. Automations is REALITY Now (Finishes 100s of Marketing Tasks in Seconds) !!

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Luke Maguire

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
as 08/01/2019 12,000+ 6.57% $3.51 $53.41 50% 11.31%
A Bundle 09/19/2022 200+ 9.17% $25.52 $278.38 50% 9.62%
As - Syndication 08/21/2019 5,000+ 18.92% $12.53 $66.25 50% 9.50%
as - Success Training 08/21/2019 2,000+ 17.84% $9.44 $52.91 50% 9.71%
As 08/21/2019 500+ 5.29% $10.42 $197.10 50% 7.28%