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Dropshiply - Affiliate Information

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Dropshiply information

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Rahul Gupta [Official]

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Dropshiply 05/26/2020 1,500+ 5.75% $2.17 $37.70 50% 3.80%
Dropshiply Product Imports (Elite) 05/26/2020 75+ 4.56% $6.78 $148.87 30% 7.59%
Dropshiply Product Imports (Gold) 05/26/2020 25+ 1.63% $1.60 $98.44 30% 11.11%
Dropshiply Product Imports (Pro) 05/26/2020 100+ 7.00% $3.38 $48.19 50% 6.56%
Dropshiply Store Suite (Premium) 05/26/2020 75+ 3.59% $25.11 $698.79 30% 14.74%
Dropshiply Store Suite (Advanced) 05/26/2020 25+ 0.89% $4.43 $498.76 30% 0%
Dropshiply Lite 05/26/2020 25+ 0.10% $0.03 $32.55 50% 0%
Dropshiply Pro Ds 05/26/2020 100+ 24.86% $9.06 $36.42 50% 3.28%
Dropshiply PRO 1-Click Automation Triggers 05/26/2020 500+ 16.83% $7.83 $46.50 50% 3.74%
Dropshiply Gold Ds 05/26/2020 75+ 12.58% $4.52 $35.90 50% 2.06%
Dropshiply GOLD Seo Analyzer & Optimizer 05/26/2020 250+ 17.56% $8.17 $46.54 50% 6.80%
Dropshiply Store Suite (Starter) 05/26/2020 50+ 1.26% $3.70 $293.68 30% 1.72%
Dropshiply PLATINUM Sales Reports & Analytics 05/26/2020 500+ 31.92% $11.54 $36.15 50% 2.45%
Dropshiply Product Imports (Lite) 05/26/2020 50+ 3.85% $1.11 $28.92 50% 8.47%